Tuesday, May 28, 2013

10 things that make me happy ~ a post a day

10 things that make me very happy...

1. Spending one on one time with each of my boys.
Maybe it is just their ages, or the fact that they are boys.... but when they are together, they are usually fighting.  So I always love when I get the chance to spend some quality one on one time with each of them.  I love the little conversations that I will have with them and all of the funny little things that they have to say.

2. Date nights with Scott.
There is nothing better than getting a baby sitter and getting to go out to dinner, shopping and a movie, just the two of us.  After a long week it is always so appreciated to just have the quiet time together.  It reminds me of when we were dating and loved going to dinner and a movie.

3. Thursdays.
Thursdays are my favorite day of the entire week.  It is the only day that I am home, that Bridger goes to school (I know, meanest mom ever).  This is a sacred 2 hours to me!!! Alicia and I have turned this into bike time, and even through the winter, would go down in my basement and ride on our bike trainers. I loved this time. Thursday nights are also packed with my favorite tv shows... the Office, Greys Anatomy, Scandal and Project Runway.  I am usually up passed midnight watching all of my shows.

4. A Clean House.
Why is it that this is probably on every mom's list???  Life is just so much better in a clean house. 

5. Exercising.
I should probably join a 12 step program because I have a serious addiction.  Biking, running, swiming, yoga.... I love it all.  I love the quote "you are only one good workout away from a good mood" This is so, so true for me.

6. Kisses and snuggles from Bridger.
I would love them from Dakota, but he is just too much like his mom and would prefer to high five from a distance.  But Bridger is my little snuggle bear and I could hold him all day long.

7. A fun activity with my family.
Usually every activity that I can imagine up for our little family of 4 turns into pure chaos, with everyone crying and whining.  But every once in a great while, we do something and it is everything that I had imagined and everyone has fun.  We just got back from a trip to Carlsbad , CA that was awesome.  Even Scott said that he was so glad that we went as a family.  Moments like that are the best!

8. Diet Coke.
Sometimes I will decide that I am going to quit drinking diet coke, but I usually can't make it more than a few hours before I realize that there is nothing to look forward to in the day without it....  People say that if you stop drinking soda and then start again you won't even like it anymore, I beg the differ... One time I stopped for a few months.... When I took that first sip again, I felt like we had never been apart and loved every drop!  WHat can I say, true love lasts a life time!

9. Grapes.
Anyone who knows me well, knows that I can independently down multiple Costco containers of grapes in a week, no problem!!!

10. Long breaks from work.
I love getting done with a shift at work and knowing that I over a week until I have to work again.  This doesn't always happen, but if I work my schedule just right, I can work a couple shifts together and then have a big break in the middle.

1 comment:

The Hansen's said...

Love it Summer! I feel the same way about Diet Coke! My hubs just can't understand it but it's like a good friend especially on those horrible shifts at work. bleh!
And when I grow up I want my work schedule like yours. :)