Wednesday, November 7, 2012

Red vs. Blue

A few days ago Dakota brought home a flyer about the election, which they have been learning about at school.  On the front was a picture of President Obama and one of Mitt Romney.  Obama's face was circled and Romney's face had a big X through it.  I asked Dakota why he chose President Obama???
He informed me that he likes BLUE, which was the color around Obama. 

Last night while I was watching the election returns, Dakota asked me which team I wanted to win, red or blue?  I told him I was rooting for the RED.  He said that he wanted the red team to win also.  
Bridger announced that he liked the blue team.  
Dakota then informed him that the Blue Team wants to take all of your money!!!! :-)
That was enough to change Bridger's vote.

This morning Dakota asked me which team won?  I told him that Mitt Romney had lost :-(
I told him it was okay and that the person who won was a great person too.
Dakota got excited and yelled.... YEA!!!!

If only I could share in his excitement....
This year I have been hard core, obsessed with the election.  Last night when CNN projected President Obama the winner, I felt physically ill!!! Not so much because I hate Obama, I just love Mitt Romey.

There are very few things that I dislike more than loosing....
But Sore Losers are definitely one of them!
Time to move on and try to learn from Dakota, YEA!!!!!

Loved, loved this picture

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