My Birthday morning started like any great day should....
a wake up phone call at 6:15am wondering where I was (work starts at 6)!!!!
I accidentally set the alarm for pm.... oops.
Luckily, the cute nurses that I work with forgave me and even went and got a cake and balloons.
I don't really think that 26 is that old,
but during the first delivery of the day, the doctor was telling me that his wife was having twins and that was pretty common with "older moms". I was surprised, because I had never heard that. He then followed it up with.... "it could happen to you". I thought, I am not old.... why would that happen to me???? He said that he meant someday...... but it still stung a little on my birthday.
Right at the end of the day a lady came in 10 cm dilated and ready to have a baby. With no doctor in sight, I was ready to deliver. How cool to deliver a baby on my birthday??? Sadly for me, the ER Doctor came in just in time to take over and deliver the baby. A lot of the times the ER docs will just stand in the room and let the nurses do everything, but this Dr. seemed excited to get in on the action. Oh well, it was good that all went well.
As far as working on your birthday goes..... It couldn't have been better!
But I missed Scott and the boys and was excited to get home and see them. Scott was the best, he had a clean house and Dear Lizzie cup cakes waiting for me!!!